Hard work, innovation, and courage

There is hardly something more motivational for me than meeting inspirational people. Those people displaying a clear sense of direction, having a strong vision and an iron discipline.

A few days ago, I had the honour to attend the ceremony where the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest granted the distinguished title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Mr. Calin Rovinescu – President and Chief Executive Officer of Air Canada, Chairman of the Star Alliance Chief Executive Board, member of the International Air Transport Association Board of Governors, and since 2015 the 14th Chancellor of the University of Ottawa.

Calin was born in Bucharest in 1955 and, along with his father, mother, and sister, they immigrated to Montreal by boat in 1960. They arrived in Canada with 60 Euros, two suitcases and not speaking English or French.

After an impressive career in law and finance, Calin Rovinescu’s major achievement is legendary: he managed to steer Air Canada away from bankruptcy, toward record profits. In 2008, Air Canada had a turnover of $11 billion and a loss of $1 billion.

It takes strong leadership, courage, a brilliant mind, a clear vision, and decided action to restructure such a big company in a matter of years, and set an outstanding example in the industry. The financial results of 2015 indicate an increase in revenues to $14 billion and a profit of $308 million.

In his acceptance speech, Calin spoke about courage, hard work, and innovation – the same values guiding our activity at TravelMaker. His achievements stand out as a real example of discipline and integrity.

In the picture from left to right: Dan Penciu (graduate of POLITEHNICA University & managing director TravelMaker), Calin Rovinescu (Doctor Honoris Causa POLITEHNICA University and CEO Air Canada), Dorin Ivascu (Professor at POLITEHNICA University & partner TravelMaker & CEO Romanian Airport Services).