Mountains vs Seaside: Which Option to Pick for an Ideal Summer Trip to Romania

There’s no denying the fact that when it comes to the beauty of the landscape, Romania sits tall among many European countries. Mostly because, unlike its western counterparts, Romania has the luxury of being split between mountain chains and the Black Sea.

Between the Carpathians and the Black Sea, which one is better for a summer trip to Romania?

It’s a question you will come get to ask yourself. Yet, you’re not alone, it’s ardently debated through the country too.

Thankfully, we may have the answer to quell both sides of the argument and this article has just the solution to that.

I Want to See the Mountains

As summer slowly begins to make its way through the year, the temperatures begin to boil, the asphalt starts to scorch – it’s going to get hot.

And when you add the pressures of the big city to the list, it becomes apparent why people see the mountains as the perfect retreat.

If you’re the kind of person to prefer a holiday defined by peace and quiet, then most definitely the mountainside is the right choice for a summer trip to Romania.

The mountains have always been a refuge for the population and a trip to the Carpathians will most definitely give you the opportunity to enrich yourself with the chance to experience the country’s culture as it was by visiting the mountainous villages who still keep to the bygone traditions.

You can definitely say you’re at the heart of an authentic Romanian experience.

Not to mention the Carpathians are home to the iconic castles, including the famous Bran Castle, known from the legend of Dracula.

The Seaside Is Our Escape

There are many who decide to begin the holiday season with the 1st of May.

The day off from work is a great way to celebrate Labor Day and it became an opportunity to visit the seaside. 

During this time, the seaside resorts become unofficial party capitals of the country. On many occasions, you will hear people either mention Mamaia, Constanta or even Vama Veche. The latter being renowned for the parties who go in full swing!

It is true, the Romanian seaside calls for those who are looking to have a blast. Yet, it would be an understatement to leave just at that. During the summer, many resorts become popular destinations for those simply looking to take it easy and enjoy the sun’s warm touch.

Pro-tip: Always use sunscreen!

So, there you have it, for both party heads or people looking to doze off by the beach, the Romanian seaside offers options for all preferences.

Which One Makes for the Best Summer Trip to Romania?

Both the mountains and the seaside offer an unforgettable experience for a summer trip to Romania, which we simply can’t decide between them.

Nevertheless, what we can give you is a reason why a tour is better than flying solo.

You have the possibility to visit many of the iconic landmarks of the mountains or the seaside, guided by an expert. These are a series of tours that we offer:

If, however, you are interested in a customized touring experience, you can always contact us to book a tour!